Tähtede poole / Towards the stars

Leidsin kogemata Audible audioraamatu-valikust ühe väga pôneva ja kohati hullumeelselt naljaka raamatu “The best motivational speeches of all times”, milles paljude väga säravate ja pööraselt edukate inimeste lôpukôned erinevate ülikoolide ja mereakadeemia lôpetajatele.

Sealt saab väga palju tarku-môistlikke môtteid enda igapäevaelu parandamiseks ja meelteseisundi sättimiseks kôrgelennulisema tuleviku vastuvôtmiseks.

Kõnedes pakututest leidsin hoopis olulisema/lohutavama ühisjoone nende hiilgavate ja andekate kônelejate vahel – kôigil need, kes olid kutsutud USA paremate ülikoolide koolilôpetajatele eluteeks tarkusi kaasa andma, olid kônelemise hetkeks erakordseid elusid elavad inimesed, kes mingil varasemal eluperioodil täiesti lootusetus olukorras, läbikukkumise äärel olid olnud. Just seesama enese tükkide kokkulappimise raske periood õpetas neile oluliselt rohkem, kui kôik laineharjadel purjetamised teha saaksid.

Vaadake inimkonnale otsa – kôik erakordsuse saavutanud inimesed on mingil hetkel pidanud välja rabelema erineva tôsidusega probleemidest – vaadakem mulle nii armsat sinusoidigi – mida suurema amplituudiga (kôrgemad)  tipud, seda madalamat negatiivseid väärtuseid see eeldab, et lainepikkused (x-telje perioodid) vôrdsed oleks.

Seda ei tohi kordagi unustada, kui elu toob teele vaid raske kivihunniku vôi viskab väga sügavasse jäisesse vette (ilma ujumisrôngata!!!). Kuigi alguses tundub see tôenäoliselt kurva lôplikkusena, sest tulevikutunnelis ei paista midagi peale pilkase pimeduse (tean seda paremini, kui tahaksin), ei tohi eelpoolmainitud kônelejate eludele toetudes mitte kunagi lootust kaotada ja alla anda, sest just see viibki säravale tulevikule.

Kuigi võitlus on vôrdustatav Heraklese mône pöördelisema vägiteoga, sest loobumine oleks ju alati palju lihtsam, on igal juhul môistlik end läbi raskuste suruda, sest kônelejate tarkustele tuginedes viibki just see sihile!


Scrolling for new audiobooks I found a great listen “The best motivational speeches of all times” by accident. It has proved to be truly marvellous and insanely funny at times. It consists of commencement speeches for the best universities in the States from extremely successful and talented people.

The listener acquires loads of wise and rational ideas improving their everyday life for a certain mind-set that would be ready for an a really bright future to arrive.

Apart from the ideas from the speeches, I saw a clear pattern in the lives of the speakers – every single one of the bright people who’d been invited to share wisdom for the life ahead to the graduates of the best universities in the country, had suffered truly hopeless situations, in the brink of a complete failure in an earlier period of their lives. That very difficult period of rebuilding themselves piece by piece clearly taught them much more than any surf on top of the waves ever could.

Take a look at the human kind – everyone who’s achieved exceptionalism of any kind has suffered greatly at one point of their past – lets take a look at  my beloved sinusoid – the greater the amplitude of the tips, the lower the bottoms must be to satisfy the equality of the wavelengths (or the periods in the x-axes). One shouldn’t forget this when life casts piles of heavy rocks in their way or throws them in a deep, freezing water (without the inflatable swimming tube!!!). Even if it seems as a sad end and truly hopeless initially, where there’s no light in the end of the tunnel, only cruel darkness dominating the view (I know a thing or two about this). One should never ever lose hope or give up because every glorious future has that kind of a beginning.

Even though it can be quite equivalent to some pivotal heroic act of Heracles, as giving up would be so much easier, it is reasonable to push trough these hardships, as that is the road to blissfulness, according to the aforementioned great speakers.

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