In English

The story of a young and cheerful woman`s tragic accident with a request for help to compassionate people around us

27-years old Silvia is a young woman with a tough soul, who has made a successful career working in Estonia and has obtained two cum laude degrees from Tallinn University of Technology. She has also studied at the University of Amsterdam as an exchange student. Silvia is active outside of work – she has an investment homepage, is singing in a choir and dances in a dance droop. She does all of these things with great devotion.

Vivid natured Silvia’s vacation in Cambodia turned into a struggle of life and death. 26/11/2011 serious road accident happened to Silvia, where a local motor vehicle drove in front of the main road and Silvia, who was ledding a scooter, braked but was unfortunately not able to prevent an accident from happening. With a severe skull fracture she was urgently transported to the hospital, where she had a brain surgery. Struggle for life made Silvia secretly miss the moments for brake – always radiant women fell into coma.

Silvia is presently in North Estonia Regional Hospital under ICU ventilator. Although doctors have done a great job saving Silvia’s life, she is still not on her full consciousness. The left side of her body is paralyzed. Since she is a young person, then with adequate rehabilitation facilities, doctors give good recovery prospects to Silvia, to recover the necessary functions for life and work. Silvia’s relatives have a faith to that vivid natured woman’s strength that she will continue to fulfill her dreams one day. To hold her hand, to read thousand times her favorite book Small Prince, to listen together her favorite songs and to talk to her about life, angels and love. This is the least that relatives and friends can do to cure her soul. Ex gratia she replies with gentle hand squeeze and her flutter eyes gives hope that Silvia will hear the call back to whole life.

Together with relatives support and love that Silvia right now needs, family is carrying with them the real concerns of life – savings of the family is not enough to bring back the whole life of that charming young women. Silvia’s hospital and Air Ambulance expenses exceeded 122000 EUR which were partly paid by the insurance. The exceeded amount of the insurance coverage for the Air Ambulance service is 22000 EUR. That is Silvia’s family to find. Physicians also considered, that Silvia’s healing and rehabilitation costs will be higher than health insurance in Estonia will compensate. We are sincerely grateful to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who has given the insurance company a warranty letter for the amount that insurance does not cover. We are also planning to send a request to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to overlook the amount that has to be compensated.

If Silvia’s tragic story touched your heart and made you think about the true values of life. If you have the opportunity to help get Silvia back to us and make joy to her loved ones and friends, then we would be grateful from the bottom of our hearts. You could do it through Silvia’s mother bank account for the treatment expenses and rehabilitation purposes. Every good-natured act and wish is expected – does not matter how big or small it is.

Owner of the bank account: Tiivi Viidik
Account number in Swedbank bank: 221054039880
IBAN: EE72 2200 2210 5403 9880

Sincerely Grateful,
Relatives and friends of Silvia


  1. Miffy

    Hi, I’m friends with Silvia from Amsterdam and I am trying to send money across from Australia, but in order for the international transfer to be effective I need a couple of details for my bank. Please email me so that we can arrange for the money to be transferred.

    Thanks very much, Miffy

  2. helpfromabove

    Terrible news.

    Could you email me your address information? For some reason that’s needed to make the transfer. Or better yet, post them here for others aswell. Thanks.

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