Uued soovid / New wishes

Head uut aastat, mu armsad kaasamôtlejad! Teie olemasolu ja teile kirjutamine on mulle tohutult tähtis, teraapilinegi. Aitäh, et olete! Soovin, et vastalanud Eesti ajaloo seisukohalt väga oluline aasta (EV100 ikka) saaks märgiliseks ja igati tähelepanu-väärseks teiegi eludes!

Näitleja Mari-Liis Lill rääkis intervjuus saatele “Aasta säravaimad tähed” depressioonist, tuletades meelde, et ka selle haiguse korral peaks minema küsima abi arstilt, kes seda tegelikult ka anda oskab. Arvan, et kindlasti on elude säästmiseks väga vajalik, pea möödapääsmatu, küsida vahel abi sellelt, kes oma professiooni just sellist laadi abistamiseks valinud on. Abi küsinud ja saanud olen ka mina.

Ometi ei puuduta abi küsimine vaid vaimset tervist. Ise ei saa, ega peagi saama hakkama kôigi elus ette tulevate probleemidega. Olen tohutult tänulik oma perele ja sôpradele, kes minuga selles küsimuses nôus on. Probleem ei peaks ometi olema niiväga silmnähtav, kui see minu puhul praegu on. Kôige eluohtlikumaid probleeme ei olegi ometi näha. Seega kutsun kôiki üles abi paluma, kui probleem pisutki kipub käsi väänama. Ja kellegi aitamine kôrvalseisja poolt on tohutult tänuväärne ja üllas samm. Usun südamest, et hea tuleb ringiga endale tagasi, mistôttu palun teil käituda väga egoistlikult ja vajajatele abikäsi ulatada.

Surematuse saavutamiseks on vaja surra, on näidanud ajalugu. Vaatasin televiisorist ka, mida selgeltnägijad ja astroloogid alanud aastale ennustavad – keegi neist ennustas Baltikumile saabuvat sôda, pärast mida ei ole enam midagi. Soovin, et sellisel moel surematust ei saavutaks keegi meist. Kõike paremat teile!


Happy New Year, my dear co-thinkers! Writing to you means the world to me and is very therapeutic. Thank you for being there for me and reading my posts! I wish that the year that just begun would be as meaningful and remarkable to you as it is for our country (Estonian Republic will be 100 years old on February 24)!

An Estonian actress Mari-Liis Lill talked about depression in an interview given in a TV-show “The most brilliant stars of the year” reminding us that treating this illness one should go to a doctor of that field to get the help he actually needs. I believe that in order to save lives it is inevitable to ask help from someone who really has focused their attention for people needing that specific help. Even I have asked and received such help.

Asking for help doesn’t include one’s mental health only of course. One can’t and doesn’t have to always be able to achieve all the different problems in life by himself. I’m immensely thankful to my family and friends who agree with me on that. The problem doesn’t always have to be as obvious as it is for me now. The most life threatening problems are hidden from the plain sight. So I ask everyone to ask for help when problems seem to grow too robustly. And helping someone as a bystander is immensely thankworthy and noble. From the bottom of my heart I believe that every good deed that’s been done comes back to you eventually, so I ask you to be very selfish and help the ones who need it.

One has to die in order to become immortal, as history has proven. I also watched what astrologists have predicted for the year that just begun – someone of those predicted a war for the Baltics that will eliminate all. I wish that none of us would achieve immortality this way. All the best to you!


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