Jõulusoojust soovides / Wishing You Christmas warmth

Jôuluimesid saab enamasti näha vaid filmidest ja lugeda raamatuist, aga nendel jôuludel juhtus päris jôuluime minu endaga – aitäh Floreana OÜ! Jôuluimesid sünnib minu teada väga harva, jôuluimesid minuga veel harvem – suur aitäh! Tänu Floreana OÜ-le sain taas sügava veendumuse, et inimestes on palju headust.

Aitäh, mu kallid sõbrad, et sain taas koos teiega nautida meie iga-aastast jõuluõhtusööki! Mind teeb rõõmsaks, kui teil hästi läheb ja tänan teid südamest teie tähelepanelikkuse eest nende vastu, kel nii hästi läinud ei ole!

Imesid täis aega soovin igaühele teist, kallid kaasamõtlejad!
Loodan, et jõul toob sära igasse silmapaari, kes neid ridu loevad ja rahu igasse südamesse! Soovin, et vana aasta lõpp tuleks ilus ja uus aasta tooks vaid parimat teie eludesse!


Christmas miracles are usually only seen in movies and read from books but this Christmas brought a miracle to me – thank you very much, Floreana OÜ! To my knoledge, Christmas miracles happen rarely, miracles that happen to me are clearly even more rare – thank you very much! Thanks to Floreana OÜ I got a deep belief that there is much goodness in people.

Thank you, my dear friends, that I could enjoy our annual Christmas dinner with you again! It makes me happy to know that all is well with you and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your thoughtfulness towards those who have not been so lucky!

I wish a time full of miracles to everyone of you, dear people who are with me in your thoughts! I hope Christmas brings shine to every eye that reads this text and peace in every heart! I wish that the end of this year would be very nice and the new year would bring only the best to your lives!

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