Elu vajab torme / The storms are needed in life

Viimaste päevade tôeline kuumalaine minu kodukandis lôppes eile millegi orkaanisarnasega (vähemalt igati tõsiseltvõetava keeristormiga, sest tegelikult oli akendest näha, kuidas vihm ja rahe horisontaalsete jugadena ümber maja kihutasid) ning vabastas aia ja ümbruskonna puud liigsetest okstest, pesi nagu trumlis keerutades autod, majaseinad, katused ja aknad ning korraldas südame vastupidavust testinud ehmatavat meelelahutust lemmikloomadele. Aga loodus vajas seda  – kôik sai puhtaks ja värskeks, uue hingamise.

Selsamal pôhjusel vajab torme ka elu. Meile antud elud jooksevad vahel üsna lootusetusse puntrasse, kuigi meie endi vaatevinklist vôib kôik väga hästi olla. On vôimalik, et näeme pildist vaid eksitavat fragmenti, sest tarbetud puuoksad jms on lihtsalt ees. Torm peab pildi tervikuna nähtavale tooma.

Meeletu keerisjôud on saabudes küll sügavalt šokeeriv ja ootamatu ning toob oma karmis möllus tohutult uusi kannatusi, ängistust, valu ja allaandmistunnet, viies minema nii olulisi objekte, kui maailma keskpunktiks saanud inimesi, ainult süvendades sellega teadmatust ja ebakindlust tuleviku osas ning tuues meeleheidet ja tõsist kahtlust, kas pärast tormi vôib üldse midagi vaiksemat ja värskemat saabuda, aga looduses asjad just nii on môned miljonid aastad toiminud.

Sest siis, kui tormituul lahtisemat murrab ja ebavajaliku minema viib, puhastab ta ka jalgealuse sinna kogunenud sodist ning toob nähtavale kõik maapinda kaevatud kulla ja varandused. Kuigi seda on tormi metsikumatel hetkedel kohutavalt raske taibata vôi tunnetada, peaks see tegelikult elu puhastama, ebaolulisest vabastama ja selle tôelised väärtused välja tooma. 

Tegelikult olen ma ka ise veel selles tormis, mis vaibumise märkide osas kokkuhoidlikult käitub ja päriselt ei saa kindlalt väita, et kôik läheb nii nagu looduses määratud on, aga uskuge – loodan seda kogu südamest! Ratsionaalse pilguga ajalugu silmitsedes just nii peaks olema. Kuna ka tuntud jaapani kirjanik Haruki Murakami on sarnast môtet väljendanud, ei saa see ju päris vale olla.

Ärge heitke tormituulte möllu sattudes meelt! See valmistab ette paremaks, väidab olnu.


The true heat wave of the last few days in my home region concluded with a hurricane-looking whirlwind yesterday (the wind and hail speeded horizontally around the house, looking out of the windows). It relieved the trees In the garden and neighbourhood of redundant branches, washed the houses, cars, roofs and windows like in a carwash and gave the pets lots of startling entertainment that really tested the strengths of the their hearts. The nature really needed the washing and giving everything a fresh new being.

Life needs an occasional storm for the same reason. The lives we live get tangled in an unbelievable scale sometimes, without us even noticing it. Everything might seem really superb from our point of view but is our point of view the real, objective one? We might only see a misleading fragment of the big picture because unnecessary branches etc. are covering our view and we need the storm to clear it out.

A rebellious whirlwind is deeply shocking and unexpected upon its arrival, bringing additional suffering, pain and the feeling of giving up during its course, taking important elements of life and people one had centered their lives around, only deepening the uncertainty, hopelessness and a serious doubt if things could ever really clear out leading to a more peaceful and happy life, even though the nature has done it for millions of years already.

When the storm has taken the unnecessary loose parts, it also clears out the ground beneath your feet, revealing the hidden gold and treasures from under the meaninglessness.

As I’m in the middle of the storm just yet, that doesn’t show many signs of slowing down, I cannot say that everything turns out the way nature intended it with a certainty but believe me – I wish for it from the bottom of my heart. Eyeing the history with a rational mind-set, this is the way it should turn out. As the well-known Japanese writer Haruki Murakami has expressed similar opinion a while ago, it should be correct.

Never give up, should you find yourself in the middle of crazy whirlwind – it only prepares you for the better as the history suggests.


Vasta Rain-le Tühista vastus

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