Rongisõit / train ride

Kohtusin väga hea, elu palju selgitava mõttega – et elu on, kui sõit rongis. Järgnevalt esitan enda arusaamise sellest mõttest.

Kohtume elus teatavasti väga paljude inimestega – on neid, kes pärast kohtumist kohe ununevad, aga on neid, kes jäävad meie kõrvale veel pikaks ajaks – rongimetafoorga selgitatuna on neid, kes mööduvad meist endale kohta otsides korra, kuid nii põgusaks meie kohtumised jäävadki, sest nad lahkuvad rongist järgmises jaamas või vahetavad vagunit. Samas on ka neid, kes istuvad meie lähedale, kellega saame pikalt vestelda ja kes käivad küll ära näiteks restoranivagunis, kuid tulevad siiski tagasi ning lahkuvad rongist alles väga paljude peatuste pärast. Kahtlemata paistavad mõned meie juurde istuma jäävatki, kuid kohe selle mulje tekkides lähevad ühtäkki hoopis teise vagunisse või tõugatakse ootamatult rongilt hoopis maha.

Nagu autodel ristteed, on ka raudteedel teatavad teelahkmed. Mõne inimesega jõuame korduvat teede lahknevust arvestades hoopis teise kohta, kui alguses plaanisime või sihtkohas tagasivaadates soovinud oleksime. Ehk mõne inimese veenmisjõud viib meid oma trajektoorilt hoopis kõrvale, võib-olla kohta, kuhu me hoopiski jõuda ei oleks tahtnud. Siiski usun, et kuigi meie eluraamatutes on suur autorlus meil endil, on ka elul enesel (või saatusel) oma sõna kaasa rääkida ja peab lihtsalt uskuma, et tee, millele oleme juhitud, on mingil põhjusel just see kõige õigem, kuigi seda õigsusemomenti ei pruugi tükk aega üldse näha olla.

Kuna tegemist ei ole iga inimese elu eraldi kirjeldava rongiga (sellisel juhul oleks ju liiklus päris tihe :)), vaid sellisega, mis peegeldab paljude inimeste elusid, kes seda elurongi sõiduvahendina kasutavad, lahkume rongile ühes peatuses me isegi. Peame elama nii nagu tahame meelde jääda neile, kes rongisõitu jätkavad. Võib-olla veel kaua. Ehk meenutavad nad meie sealviibimist uutele rongireisijatelegi – otsustame praeguse käitumisega, millisel moel meid meenutatakse – kas rõõmsate optimistide, egoistlike jõhkardite või kellegi kolmandana. Elagem praegu selliselt nagu tahame, et teised meid ühel päeval meenutaksid.


I read of a really good thought that helps explain life much better. I read that life is like a train. I’ll present my understanding of it as follows.

We meet very many different people in life – there are those who we might not even notice but there are people who stay in the same wagon near us for long – in the train there are those who pass us only once looking for a suitable place for themselves and this is it with our meetings. At the same time, there are people who sit near us on the train, who have long conversations with us. People who leave for the restaurant wagon for a bit but always return and leave the train in many stops. There are some who seem to remain sitting next to us forever but change the wagon or are pushed off the train just as you’ve started to believe that eternity thing.

Like crossroads for cars, trains have certain discrepancies. Considering taking different road discrepancies repeatedly with some people, we might end up in totally different place than initially planned or where we’d wished to end up at looking back a bit later. Some people’s persuasion might take us totally off our planned trajectory, maybe to a place we wouldn’t have wanted to get at all. Nevertheless I believe that despite we have great copyrights to our life-books, life (or fate) has a big say as well and we just have to believe that the road we’ve been guided to, is better or more correct for some reason, even if we can’t see that correctness for a long time.

As we are not dealing with a train marking a certain life (what an awful traffic would it be if all of us had our own separate trains :)) but rather the one that reflects lives of many people in touch with each other, we have to leave the train at some point ourselves. We have to live in a way, as we’d like to be remembered by the people continuing the travel, maybe for long. Maybe they’ll remind our presence there to the new passengers – with our current behavior we decide how we will be remembered – as happy optimists, cruel bastards or something in-between. Let’s live our lives now as we’d like to be remembered one day.

One comment

  1. Sari

    Lovely analogy …a train of life with eternal passengers. ..who is who !! and what being conveyed to who…!! Are two questions that have no place in such trains.. once aboard such trains instants make their way right to our hearts..and thoughts… a line of wagons transporting who are supposed to be humans sharing one aim…that aim is to interact with eachorher at diferent time rates..and diferent sympathy rates….that’s simply life when it’s seen through a train’s window….my warm regards Sari

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