Ühisel jõul / With joined forces

Eestlaste väetoit ühe ristsõna väitel on kaerakiisel e kaerakile e hapnema lastud kaerahelbeleotis. Kôlab isuäratavalt, kas pole? 😀

Mina sain eile ôhtul kinnituse, mis minu “väetoit” on – minu vägi tuleb täiesti vaieldamatult emotsionaalsest turgutusest – eile ôhtul toimus taas meie iga-aastane sôpruskonna pühadetähistamine Suur Sôprade JôuluSöömaaeg, millest on juba kümne aasta jooksul osa vôtnud umbes-täpselt samad inimesed – need, kellega oleme üheskoos läbi võidelnud igasugustest rasketest olukordadest ja loonud imelisi, äärmiselt mäletamisväärseid hetki. On ilmselt liigne tunnistada, et arvukatega neist kanname minu jaoks märgilist tiitlit – Tallinna Reaalkool 118. lend (selle lennus ôppis kolm paralleelklassitäit erakordseid inimesi).

Olen seda siin varemgi tunnistanud, et sotsiaalsus ja suhtlemine on minu jaoks ôhuga vôrdsustatava elushoidmistähtsusega. Kuna meid koondus eile kokku u 50 hinge ligi inimesi (kuhu kuuluvad ka algupäraste sôprade uued kaaslased), sain ônneks erinevatel teemadel suhelda üsna palju. 

Tean, et see kôlab väga pinnapealselt, aga mulle on tôesti jôudutoov, kui edusamme minu taastumisteel nende jaoks ka näha-kuulda on. See kinnitab mulle, et ma ei kujuta kôiki edusamme enda jaoks vaid ette (mida ei saaks minu  kaunis lennuka kujutlusvôime valguses kindlasti täiesti välistada).

On täiesti pisarateni liigutav, kuivôrd tähelepanelik üks mu lähedastest sôbrannadest oli – kui liikusin mööda küllaltki pikki-käänulisi libedate kaltsuvaipadega kaetud koridore teise ruumi, kõndis ta kindlameelselt minu järel, kinnitades et ta eesmärgiks on ahistamise asemel minu turvalise päralejõudmise kindlustamine nende neetud kaltsuvaipade ebamäärastes tingmustes. Ühe paralleelklassivenna väga kauaaegne elukaaslane kinnitas pärast, et selline ongi tõeline sõprus. Olin äärmiselt liigutatud.

Märgake üksteist ja hoidke nõrgemaid – sellest kasvab ometi kogu inimkonna heaolu.


Food of strength for Estonians is kaerakiisel or leavened oatmeal soak up, according to a crossword puzzle (a news for me, I admit). Sounds delicious, doesn’t it 😀

I confirmed my personal food of strength last night – my force comes from emotional attention for sure – there was an annual Great Christmas Feast of Friends last night with almost the same participants for a decade already – the people who have shared many hardships and created many very unforgettable memories together. It is clearly redundant to add that many of these people share an important title (for me at least) of the class 118 of Tallinn Science School (there was three classes of spectacular people studying there with me).

I’ve admitted here before that social life is as necessary for my survival as the air we breathe. As there was nearly 50 people gathered to celebrations last night (together with some friends’s new and old partners – a very mixed crowd) I got to talk to many people of very different lines of work and interests. 

It sounds extremely superficial but it really is very encouraging for me if my advances are also seen by my friends. It confirms me that my progress is just not my imagination (that couldn’t be overruled completely 😉 ).

I was moved to tears how attentive a girlfriend of mine was. She decided to  follow me closely when I was walking to another room on very slippery carpet. When we reached the other room, another friend tolf me that obviously this is a true friendship. I was really moved.

I was moved to tears how attentive a girlfriend of mine was. She followed me closely when I was walking to another room on very slippery carpets. When we reached the other room, another friend tolf me that obviously this is a true friendship. I was really moved.

Pay attention to one another and norice the “weaker” ones – this is how the  wellbeing of human kind increases. 

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