Valguses ja varjus / In the light and shadow

Loen (kuulan raamatu inglisekeelset tõlget 😀 ) praegu jaapani kirjanik Haruki Murakami ootamatult haaravat, realistliku maailmavaate segmendi jaoks temale omaselt võibolla mõnevõrra kõrgelennulist raamatut “1Q84”.

Ühes paljudest tegelaste vahelistest filosoofilistest arutlustest täheldati, et valgus ja vari vajavad teineteist ning nagu austrikarbi kaks poolt, ei saa olla ühte teiseta. Valguseta ei saa olla varju ja seal, kus on vari, peab vältimatult olema ka valgus. Samamoodi, mida eredam on valgus, seda tumedam ja järsemalt piiritletud on vari.

Imelikul kombel peavad nad alati esinema üheskoos ehk igas valguses peab oskama leppida varjuga ning igas varjus peab nägema valgust.

Samamoodi nagu valgust-varju on igas hetkes, on need ka igas inimeses. Nende vaheldumine teebki ometi inimese huvitavaks.

Leppigem iseendi ja teiste valguse-varju sillerdustega ja väärtustagem seda mitmekesisust.


Right now I’m reading (ok, listening to the audio translation in English  😀 ) the book “1Q84” by the Japanese writer Haruki Murakami, the book is truly gripping but might be a bit of a stretch for anyone with the two feet on the ground-realistic mindset.

In one of many philosophical discussions among the characters, it is mentioned that the light and the shadow are inseparable as the two halves of an oyster shell – there’s no possibility for a shadow without light and the presence of a shadow makes the absence of light simply impossible. Similarly, the brighter the light, the darker and more concrete the shadow.

Weirdly enough, they must coexist with no exception, or one must accept the shadow in every light and find the light in every shadow. As the light-shadow exists in every moment, it is also present in every person. Alternations of these is what makes a person interesting after all.

Let’s accept the iridescence of light and shadow in oneselves and the people around us and cherish the diversity.

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