Nõuded lahendusteta / Requirements without solutions

Postimehes ilmus artikkel raske vaimu- ja liitpuudega täisealiste inimeste vanematest, kelle koduõuele astuvad ühtäkki mingid riigiametnikud, nôudes tšekke ülimalt armetute puuderahade kasutamisest ja tôendusi puuetega inimeste nôuetekohasest hooldamisest. Nad nôuavad TÔENDUSI – no kuulge, kas vôim on pähe löönud? Kui rumal saab veel olla? Minul ei ole vaimupuude valdkonnas küll erilisi teadmisi ega kogemusi, aga oma tähelepanekutele tuginedes saan üsna veendunult väita, et  vaimupuudega inimestega ei saa läbi rääkida ja kokku leppida nagu tervete inimestega! 

Ka filmist “Erilised” (“Hors normes”) tuleb väga selgesti välja, millised raevu-, pôgenemise- vôi märatsushood neid täiesti ettehoiatamata tabada vôivad. Kui nende inimeste vanemad on leidnud viisi elu mingil imekombel tasakaalus hoida, mis ôigust näeb mingi asjatundmatu valitsuse ametkond selles veel kaasa rääkida ja oma ôigust nôuda? 

Siinkohal oleks nende kiusatud vanemate seisukohalt parim lahendus filmi lôppakordina kôlanud: “Eks vôtke nad siis endale! Vôtke nad KÔIK! Kolmel on eridieet, kaks kiskusid eelmisel kuul hooldajal juuksed peast välja ja neljal on kombeks põgeneda kohe, kui ust näevad. Aga võtke muidugi!” Ja nende praegune arv ei ole kaugeltki mitte lôplik. Kui valitsuse ametkondadel ei ole mingit vettpidavat lahendust välja pakkuda, et kõigi nende inimeste eest ise hoolitseda, milleks siis üldse vôtta endale ôigus midagi nõuda?

Erakordselt masendava ja sinisilmsena näen siinkohal iseennast, sest kinosaalist väljudes teema üle juureldes tundus mulle, et see probleem on vist ainult Pariisi ümbruses (mida filmis peegeldati), sest Eestis ju sedavõrd hullu olukorda ei ole – kas me tõesti tahame, et ühiskonnas domineeriks kibedus- ja kahtlustustunne ning sinisilmad saaks väljasurnud rassiks?

Võtame maha kontrollmehhanismidelt ja pakume rohkem mõistlikke lahendusi inimestele, kes seda väga hädasti vajavad!


In an Estonian newspapert there was an article about people of age with mental disability who’s sole caretakers are their parents. Suddenly they’ve started to have visits from government offices demanding proofs of spending the miniature disability subsidy and other proofs of  taking care of that mentallu disabled person. They demand EVIDENCE of proper behavior – this is clearly outrageous! How stupid could one be? I don’t have much knowledge or experience with mental illnesses but given my ability to observe, I can claim that mentally disabled people aren’t as cooperative or willing to negotiate in life matters as healthy people might be.

It clearly occurs in the movie “Hors normes” that these people might have rage, escape or fury attacks totally unexpectedly. If their parents have stabilized their lives somehow in a quite miraculous way, what kind of justice could an officer see in he’s actions at all?

At this point it might be best for such tormented parents to just tell the officials: ”Ok, so take them! Take them ALL and take proper care of them yourself! Three of them have special diets, two tore hair off their caretakers’s head last month and four tend to escape as soon as they see a door somewhere. But sure, take them!” What is most depressing – their number is definitely not conclusive yet. If the government’s officials really have no good plan or solution for these people, why is it necessary to tear down everything that seems to work well now?

What I find quite depressing on top of the abovementioned is that walking away from the movie theatre I actually thought that the situation might be that bad in Paris area (where the movie takes place) but things surely are better in Estonia. I understand the level of naivety in me but do we all really need to turn into a bitter society instead of believing well?

Let’s lose the control mechanisms and work out reasonable solutions instead that these people desperately need!

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